MECE 336 Microprocessors - Syllabus
- Week 01 (28 Feb.2023)
- Outline: Introduction, course description, equipment, generic microprocessor components and architecture
- Week 02 (7.Mar.2023):
- Outline: Digital design concepts review, Arm Cortex M4 Architecture, Internal Registers, Assembly, Addressing Modes
- Week 03 (14.Mar.2023):
- Outline: ARM Assembly, Branching, conditioning, conditional branching, directives
- Week 04 (21.Mar.2023):
- Outline: more Arithmetic Instructions, more Conditional Branching, “if-else” statements, “for-while” loops, Link Register
- Week 05: (28.Mar.2023)
- Outline: subroutines and parameter passing, stack, nested subroutine calls
- Week 06: (4.Apr.2023)
- Lecture: parameter passing with stacks, memory addressing, variables, pointers, endianness, Random Number Generator
- Week 07: (11.Apr.2023)
- Outline: pointers, arrays, global variables, chars, strings, exercises, and
- Week 08:(18.Apr.2023)
- Outline: some exercises and introduction to GPIO
- ​Week 09: (25.Apr.2023)
- Outline: GPIO – General Purpose Input/Output and Introduction to Interrupts
- ​​Week 10: (2.May.2023)
- Outline: Interrupts
- ​​Week 11: (9.May.2023)
- Outline: The Midterm Week
- ​​​Week 12: (16.May.2023)
- Outline: Interrupts and NVIC
- Week 13: (23.May.2023)
- Outline: Interrupts and NVIC some exercises
- ​​​​Week 14: (30.May.2023)
- Outline: Timers in Microprocessors